
Please take a moment to notice a particular entertaining detail: see the spot in the first picture where the wave is crashing up and over the rocks, just to the left (i.e. ahead) of the wave, there’s a bunch of little spray. That spray comes down in a way like those first big raindrops of a thunderstorm pattering into the tarmac. But instead of being followed by wind and a building storm over the next half hour, this heavy pattering of water drops is followed in a fraction of a moment by a few hundred gallons of icy bering sea. Now look at the second picture again. Thankfully I was kneeling, so a quick curl-into-fetal-position-around-the camera maneuver worked; no bruises and my camera seems to still work fine.




I like the sunsets here. Well come to think about it, I’ve never lived somewhere I didn’t like the sunsets. ‘Guess that means I like sunsets, generally speaking.


I like how sometimes one is wildly different from the next and sometimes its only a dab of color or a cloud differentiating one night’s sunset to the next, and I like how right after it disappears below the horizon someone a thousand miles away just turned a head to watch the sunset begin to mark the end of another day.

photography, stories

Firsts: ice axe, crampons, beard-frozen-to-parka, solo top trip, winter top trip.

I’m not sure I would’ve made it down safely if it weren’t for the tea and biscuits shot of calories and warmth one little climb short of the top.

The picture with the little pointy mountain is a shot east towards mainland AK and the village of Wales.

The nighttime shot is of the school, during the home-stretch back. I underestimated (badly) both how much daylight I had left and how long it’d take me.

The picture of me, that’s the only place up there where I could stand up straight-ish.




It was a good monday afternoon :)


The good news is, they aren’t actually white, they look really yellow-ish, so they’re not all that hard to spot, and they purportedly don’t like to climb on the island, so safety is only a quick scramble away. No polar bears to see on this walk, maybe better luck next time.
