other, stories

Well, ok..no, it wasn’t really morning, and technically it wasn’t breakfast seeing as we ate at around 1 o’clock, but by george it was a beautiful morning and it was a beautiful morning all because of breakfast. This breakfast. It was THAT good. The bacon was thick and delicious, the french toast perfect, the maple syrup was the real stuff (and good quality real stuff, at that), the potato and onion and red pepper fry was exactly as delicious as it sounds like it should be, the OJ was cold and zingy and the coffee fresh brewed and hot out of the thermos. It has become something of a saturday afternoon tradition for the four of us here: a big hearty breakfast sometime after noon on saturdays, usually a similar sort of thing..pancakes or waffles or french toast, bacon or sometimes sausage, eggs often and/or when the supplies afford it, fried potatoes and onions and bell peppers.

You know, routines and habits and doing the same old thing sometimes get a bad rap. Don’t settle into a rut, don’t be afraid of change! Do something different each day. Do something that scares you! Well I am good with doin’ something scary and I do believe that complacency in most parts of life can be deathly. But I’ll be damned if I don’t love sleeping in till just about the same time on Saturday and then eating the same-ish perfect breakfast in the afternoon and then sitting back with a cup of coffee to enjoy the ensuing food coma.

complete with a cameo appearance by none other then uncle silas
other, stories

The bread is almost ready for a second kneading. Another ten minutes should do it. It’s six in the evening, and I left work at 4:30, what must be a personal record. The kitchen is clean, I folded my laundry. I pull up my google news feed, and the first two headlines are:

Iran’s president calls for ‘constructive’ dialogue, end to ‘unhealthy’ rivalries


Pope seeks to shift Catholic Church’s priority from dogma to mercy

Maybe just for a little while today the world isn’t so bad.

So what now? Indubitably at this point I would begin to think of bad men in ties, mosquitos, war, or some other depressing thing. This must be staved off. I’ll think about flying. Flying is one of my favorite things in the whole world, and it is also a thing that no matter what technology or fable of creation we humans invent we will never truly experience. Ever. Except for in our dreams.

So here’s to mercy, constructive dialogue, bread, flying and dreams.

(…and jason for sending me this video)