
I broke down and touched up the contrast on a few pictures; worth it? Still not sure, but I’m leaning yes.

mom and dear little sister, all us on the bus on the way to Seattle
dear little sister



First tries: street photography and push processing. Conclusion: I’m in love. With both. Oh but wait you might say, that’s not a good conclusion, dave–it’s a love triangle! You need a last chapter to resolve things! What do? To that I say nothing, only give a clue: I fidget with my shirt sleeve. Like I’m trying to get you to think that I’m trying to get you to think that there’s an ace there; probably no ace there, huh? But oh I may have an ace, yes I may have one where you never thought an ace would be. In my sock.

Anyways, next up: try pushing film that’s actually made to be pushed. I fear that good places for street photography may be hard to find up here–I need to figure something out to deal with this issue. Anchorage, maybe? That’s a long drive to take pictures.

End-note about street photography: man, I took a LOT of shots, and not many of them turned out nice. Like, this: there’s a reason this post only has two pictures. That bugs me. And it set off a little spark. I hate to let something get the best of me, especially an abstract thing like “street photography” (what DOES that mean, anyways?). No good.

Nitty gritty:
Body/lens: F3HP /e-series 35/2.5
1st shot: Ilford HP5+ @ 1600, Ilfosol 3 1+9, 19min, one inversion each minute with three 3min water baths (@6, 11, and 16 min)
2nd shot: Kodak Tri-X 400 @ 1600, Ilfosol 3 1+9, 15min, one inversion each minute with two 3min water baths (@6 and 11min)


I got out of bed at 4:30 to catch a bus to South Seattle in time for the sunrise and Murphy’s law did it’s thing: the morning was fully overcast as daylight came. Mostly undeterred, I shot 22 or so frames of the area. Here are a few I liked.
Nikon F3, Series E 50mm/f1.8, Ilford HP5+. Scans done by Omega Photo, numbered by frame number.


Ilford XP2 Super. I like this film a lot, but it just doesn’t have the nice grain and tone of the HP5+.

All except for the beer-and-chips shot are from a day a few weeks ago when we spent the summer day helping Alicia get started painting her and Jon’s house (while Jon was on a business trip in Alaska–surprise Jon!). Don’t get me wrong, we did stay well nourished and hydrated while painting. A watermelon fight also took place, but I didn’t get any pictures of it; turns out it’s difficult to get good action portraits while dodging flying pieces of watermelon.

Brandin on the roof, but is he aloof?
paint scrapers sunbathing while the paint-scrapers were chilling
Trixie wondering why I'm holding that funny thing and telling her to sit instead of playing with her
Mailbox shot #1
Mailbox shot #2
Rainier and Tim's Cascade, yes the Northwest is in my blood (and was even more so after this great post-workout snack, I might add)