other, stories

The bread is almost ready for a second kneading. Another ten minutes should do it. It’s six in the evening, and I left work at 4:30, what must be a personal record. The kitchen is clean, I folded my laundry. I pull up my google news feed, and the first two headlines are:

Iran’s president calls for ‘constructive’ dialogue, end to ‘unhealthy’ rivalries


Pope seeks to shift Catholic Church’s priority from dogma to mercy

Maybe just for a little while today the world isn’t so bad.

So what now? Indubitably at this point I would begin to think of bad men in ties, mosquitos, war, or some other depressing thing. This must be staved off. I’ll think about flying. Flying is one of my favorite things in the whole world, and it is also a thing that no matter what technology or fable of creation we humans invent we will never truly experience. Ever. Except for in our dreams.

So here’s to mercy, constructive dialogue, bread, flying and dreams.

(…and jason for sending me this video)

other, stories

Work is hard but wonderful. I love my job. Teaching earth and space science is totally a hoot, we’re making clouds in bottles and checking out 8-day pressure charts. Big storm rolling around in 8 days, pressure down to 960 by 10am next friday. More laughing then ever before in my classroom. As always, I have my grievances about standardized testing and big men in suits, but at the end of the day I remember it’s all about the kids, and everything is ok.

Breakfast report:

I tried something different for my weekday breakfast routine. For those who know me, this is a big deal. I ate a tube of oreos with a glass of milk instead of my traditional can of peaches / can of vienna sausages combo. Conclusion? No-go. It’s 11:26 and my tummy is rumbling uncomfortably, threatening to start making funny noises.

other, stories

So I leave Diomede something like a month ago, maybe three and a half weeks, and between then and now there was so much. Lots of great things, like flying and big old boats. There were downers, too, but thankfully there were a lot more ups then downs. For now I’m happy. Well no ‘happy’ isn’t the right word, it’s more like content or glad, to be back on the island. It’s beautiful here.

So there is this pizza place in Nome. Well, to put it better: the pizza place in Nome. And the wall decorations are these giant 5′ pizzas, cut out of plywood and handpainted in any way: pepperoni, combo, veggie, et cetera. On one wall there is the ‘current’ pizza, and all are welcome to Sharpie their names, thoughts, and drawings. When the current pizza is full it is placed somewhere else in the restaurant. And the other day in Nome, while I was enjoying my pizza and beverage, I saw what was the best* thing of this whirlwind three and a half weeks. It was written on the ’97 pizza, if I remember correctly.


*Just in case you don’t know, Nome not only was a gold rush town back in the day, it is still a major center for gold mining–and more specifically, many of the people who live in Nome during the summer are one-man or two-man gold mining operations. They work incredibly hard, like the old miners of the tales, and they make a lot of money.

diomede, other, photography, stories

So there are a few trails on the island. Two head north out of the village, a low one that stays a few hundred feet off the water, and a high one that heads up to the top of the island. The low one, I found the other day, only goes to the north cliffs…where it stops gradually. Well, sort of. The trail starts out incredibly nice, wide and easy, fades to a narrow and sort of tricky little route, and eventually you turn a corner and, wham, cliffs. Big cliffs. Up to that point, it is a gradual fade, though. From the best I could tell, the north cliffs are just shy of the northernmost point of the island.

So the trail is nice at first
The trail is wide and flat!
There are great places to sit down for a spell
There are great places to sit down for a spell
The trail gets narrower (can you see it?) and the going gets steeper. I didn't take any pictures of where the trail stops. I was a little bit preoccupied.
The trail gets narrower (can you see it?) and the going gets steeper. I didn’t take any pictures of where the trail stops. I was a little bit preoccupied.
Looking back where I came from--the trail skirts over that cliff
Looking back where I came from–the trail skirts over that cliff, just above the picture’s frame
northwest corner
northwest corner
and of course the picture of the flower from the lovely walk back
and of course the picture of the flower from the lovely walk back on the upper trail
photography, stories

The air here smells like pine trees and wildflowers.

Thanks for the loaf of bread, mom. Love you :-)
Thanks for the loaf of bread, mom. Love you :-)
Denali didn't come out of her clouds, but it was a magnificent vista nonetheless
Denali didn’t come out of her clouds, but it was a magnificent vista nonetheless
Wet tarmac, sweet alaskan air, mountains, and the big beautiful tre--S*** THERE IS A SEMI TRUCK COMING BEHIND ME GET OUTTA THE ROAD
Wet tarmac, sweet alaskan air, mountains, and the beautiful arctic fores–S*** THERE IS A SEMI TRUCK COMING BEHIND ME GET OUTTA THE ROAD
photography, stories

hello, puget sound
hello, puget sound
this one’s for jori…Steam Punk!!
ain’t nobody pullin’ nothin’ on mama
what you lookin’ at.
holy $%&@, it’s FRUIT! FRESH FRUIT!!!!!
other, stories

One toaster, one space heater, one lamp, and one back-up power supply, all dismembered, lots of help from my roommate, and many hours later…

other, stories

Nothing like a night of basketball to remind me just how much I love my life. God really is in the little things.

photography, stories

Off that way, which is East, just past the edge of the picture is the dateline and the border between the U.S. and Russia. To the left, which is west, near to the village there are a few of my coworkers, friends. People and places, people and places.

Eight days of school left in my first year of teaching. It went by in a blink, yet the first months seem like they were years ago.



laugh till you weep. weep until there is nothing left but to laugh at your weeping. in the end it’s all one. some days, usually the ones that make me want to cry and give up, remind me why i teach.
photography, stories

Firsts: ice axe, crampons, beard-frozen-to-parka, solo top trip, winter top trip.

I’m not sure I would’ve made it down safely if it weren’t for the tea and biscuits shot of calories and warmth one little climb short of the top.

The picture with the little pointy mountain is a shot east towards mainland AK and the village of Wales.

The nighttime shot is of the school, during the home-stretch back. I underestimated (badly) both how much daylight I had left and how long it’d take me.

The picture of me, that’s the only place up there where I could stand up straight-ish.




It was a good monday afternoon :)

other, stories

A voice said, Look me in the stars
And tell me truly, men of earth,
If all the soul-and-body-scars
Were not too much to pay for birth.

Robert Frost