ideas, other, photography

(written February 6th 2010)

My thoughts, as my bus crossed the 520 bridge today:

There is something about it–I’m not sure I understand it (maybe that’s why it’s so…well…er…hmm…).

The water is broken into so many little pieces by the light breeze, and the sun is shining through a cloudy sky.

It’s not one of those perfect glassy lake days.

In the water’s brokenness, its imperfection, the sunlight sparkles; each wrinkle in the surface, made by a single whisp of breeze, reflects it’s own little claim of sunlight in some direction or another.

And all together, the water, it’s surface so disorganized and cluttered, is beautiful in the light shining on it.

Lake Washington from the 520 bridge
ideas, other

I don’t know his last name. He has significant Autism (I didn’t catch the details when he told me about it, it was some specific type). I met him on Saturday, while trying to make some ground on a math project at my favorite cafe. I pulled out a book, and he couldn’t help but notice the publisher (good ‘ol Springer-Verlag…they’re the primary publisher of math texts, and they nigh always bind with a signature yellow cover), so he asked me what I was working on, and we proceeded to talk about math for a while.

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other, stories

The Imperative of Love

You have heard this message from the very beginning:  love one another.

~Yohanan Zibhdi, circa 100 AD


–so says the little indicator window that pops up. Than again, my laptop’s battery is nearly two years old. Whoa, shoot, that was two years ago??